Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Windy city here comes Sabine!

Were away for a few days to the Windy city, catching up with friends and family, celebrating my birthday and our 2nd wedding anniversary (and i'm sneakily going to watch the Triathlon Nationals). I lived there for over 2 years and i miss the Capital so much, i felt comfortable there, i didn't even mind the weather...i know!!!

Hopefully we get to see some of these (preferably whilst i'm not swimming!) that were seen today by a triathlete out swimming.

Sabine will get to meet some of my oldest and dearest friends for the first time, it's so nice for them to get to meet her and for Sabine to see some of my favorite places in the world. She will even get to see the place where her Papa proposed to her mama on our anniversary which will be very special!

I am NOT looking forward to the flight, previous flight have resulted in one tiny person crying beyond control, then a slightly larger person crying cause she can't do anything to help the tiny person. The short hop from Nelson to Welly should hopefully be short enough to avoid any huge drama's and i'm packing a small supermarkets worth of food to keep her distracted! 

Bike bag, running shoes, swimming togs and a pram later...i'm ready. Bring on Wellyvegas :D


  1. You are going to have so much fun! I feel homesick for Welly, and I haven't lived there for 11 years! Have a wonderful, wonderful time. Looking forward to hearing of all your adventures when you get back. xx

  2. New camera for my b-day so will take lots of pics for you ♥


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